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Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.

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$12.85 $8.99

You’re looking for the perfect Kickstarter steroid for your bulking cycle—one that acts fast and delivers results quickly. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) is your best choice. We’ve got the best quality Nandrolone Phenylpropionate for sale.

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What Is Nandrolone Phenylpropionate?

NPP is your all-time favorite anabolic-androgenic steroid (ASS) for bodybuilding. It’s famous as a bulking steroid, particularly for off-season bulking. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate half-life is only 2-3 days! It’s the steroid for quicker results and the perfect choice to kickstart your cycle.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate vs Deca

Both Phenylpropionate and Deca-Duraboline (Deca) are Nandrolone esters. They only differ in terms of half-lives. As mentioned, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate half life is 2-3 days. Conversely, the half-life of Deca is 12 days.

NPP acts more quickly, which explains why it’s suitable for kicking off the cycle. Because of how rapidly it gets out of the system, it’s also a great choice for beginners.

How Does Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Work?

Nandrolone offers a multitude of benefits that make it quite a unique AAS. The primary functions that give you the desired effects of NPP include:

  • Increased red blood cell count and bone mineral density
  • Massive boost in nitrogen retention (more than most other steroids)
  • Increased protein and collagen synthesis
  • Reduced stress hormone and a significant boost in IGF-1 production
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.-2
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.-3

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Benefits

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate isn’t just a bulking steroid – far from it! It offers much more, so it stands out from the crowd. Here are some of those benefits:

  • Helps speed up the recovery process
  • Encourages muscle growth
  • Promotes protein synthesis
  • Increases the IGF-1 production
  • Increases muscular nitrogen retention
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.-4

Helps Speed Up the Recovery Process

The therapeutic effects of NPP on joints will accelerate your recovery process. Enjoy less muscle and joint soreness, quicker muscular repair, and a quicker return to the gym!

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.-5

Promotes Protein Synthesis

Protein synthesis is one of the most important effects of NPP. It provides the muscular building blocks and speeds up your muscle gains.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.-6

Encourages Muscle Growth

Steady quality gains are what separates NPP from the crowd. You can always count on this steroid for top-notch off-season bulking results. You only need to eat the right diet, then leave the rest to this NPP.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.-7

Increases IGF-1 Hormone Production

The IGF-1 hormone helps with muscle and strength gains. Your body produces it naturally when you exercise. However, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg supercharges the process. That leads to more muscle growth and increased strength.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.-8

Increases Nitrogen Retention

Another area where Phenylpropionate excels is increasing nitrogen retention. Even in low doses, NPP boosts nitrogen retention by a considerable margin. This is important for keeping the body in an anabolic state for muscle growth.

Who Is Nandrolone Phenylpropionate For?

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml – 1/10 injectable ampoules – ZILLT Medicine NANDRO F.-9

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is for everyone looking to build more muscle mass and strength. It’s for athletes who want to enhance their bulking cycle and get quicker results. Whether you are:

  • A bodybuilder
  • Powerlifter
  • Football player
  • Runner
  • Wrestler
  • Swimmer

NPP is for you, not just for muscle and strength but also for its therapeutic effect on muscles and joints.  

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Cycle

Here’s your ideal NPP cycle scheme according to your level:


Beginner Cycle

If you’re introducing yourself to Nandrolone, you want to keep things straightforward. So, the cycle looks like this:

The Nandrolone Phenylpropionate cycle runs for 8 weeks.

  • NPP at 100-200 mg per week
  • Testosterone Enanthate 300-400 mg per week

Intermediate Cycle

After the introduction, you’re good to go to the next level. Here, things are a little different. You’re going to add one other steroid to enhance the results further:

The cycle duration is 10 weeks.

  • Dianabol 40 mg per day (weeks 1-6)
  • NPP 300 mg per week (weeks 1-12)
  • Testosterone Enanthate, 500 mg per week (weeks 1-12)

Advanced Cycle

At the advanced level, the Nandrolone Phenylpropionate cycle will run up to 16 weeks. You’re taking the cycle scheme to a notch higher. Here’s what it looks like:

  • Dianabol 60 mg per day (weeks 1-6)
  • NPP 500 mg per week (weeks 1-14)
  • Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg per week (weeks 1-14)
  • HGH 3-4 iu per day (weeks 1-16)
  • Arimidex 0,5 mg per day (weeks 1-16)
  • Testosterone Enanthate 500 mg per week (weeks 15-16)

Testosterone Enanthate will help to keep your hormones balanced. Arimidex will keep some nasty androgenic effects, like gyno, in control. As an advanced steroid user, you want your muscles to be as highly lean as possible. So, the addition of HGH and Dianabol will do exactly that – really enhance the bulking.


Women Cycle

As mentioned, women can use Nandrolone Phenylpropionate for bodybuilding. The cycle is also straightforward:

  • NPP 5-20 mg per week

The cycle duration is 6 weeks.

By keeping the dosage low and the Nandrolone Phenylpropionate cycle duration short, women can enjoy the most steroid benefits. At the same time, they can keep the side effects at minimal levels.

Final Thoughts

NPP is your staple steroid, just like many other bodybuilders. It has remained popular for more than 50 years for good reasons. Once you’ve used and gotten the results you want, you can understand why it’s a valued steroid by so many athletes and bodybuilders.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Dosage for Bodybuilding

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate bodybuilding dosage is relatively easy to understand. Since bodybuilders have used Nandrolone for decades, we’ve got a good understanding of the most effective ways to use it.

Here’s a summary according to your experience level:

  • Beginners: We recommend a low dose of 100-200mg per week. That’s enough to provide some much-needed bodybuilding benefits and is an amazing introduction to NPP.
  • Intermediates: The tried-and-tested dosage is 300-400mg of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate powder per week at the intermediate level. You’ll need to stack the NPP with Testosterone at 500mg. The testosterone will help manage the risk of your natural hormone suppression.
  • Advanced dosage: You’ll find 500-600 mg of NPP per week the sweet spot. This dosage will ensure you’re getting maximum results with minimum side effects. Hardcore users take a dosage as high as 1000mg per week, but very few find such a dose beneficial or manageable.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Dosage for Females

NPP has an androgen rating of 30 and an anabolic rating of 320. Thanks to its short half-life, the steroid exits the body very quickly. So, women can use NPP but at low doses.

We highly recommend 5-50mg per week. On average, you’re looking at 20 mg weekly. Due to its relatively short half-life, you’ll want to inject it every two or three days at the most.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Side Effects

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is, in fact, a steroid. Thus, it’s impossible to talk about the positive without the negative. These are common side effects you want to keep an eye on while using this ASS:


NONE!…..besides these few:

  • Estrogenic effects: Gyno and water retention are the main estrogenic side effects to consider. You can counter them by using aromatase inhibitor drugs like Arimidex.
  • Androgenic side effects: Hair loss and acne are other potential sides when using NPP. However, these symptoms are typically mild. Most men experience no issues at all in this area. Even genetically predisposed people can avoid these sides by keeping the dosages low.
  • Cardiovascular side effects: These are often mild, but it’s still essential to be aware of the risks. We recommend extra caution or completely avoid NPP if you have existing cholesterol or blood-pressure-related issues.
  • Female-specific sides: Virilization effects are the most notorious in females. Stop taking NPP if you notice symptoms like body hair growth and deep voice. Women can avoid the symptoms by keeping the cycle to not more than 6 weeks with enough breaks in between.

NPP is one of those steroids that is considerably mild. By using the steroid correctly, you can experience little to none of the above sides. The secret is following the recommended dosages and cycle lengths.


Where To Buy Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Online?

You can buy NPP at our shop. The Nandrolone Phenylpropionate price is very fair. Besides, we deliver high-quality steroids on time anywhere across the country.



Why Choose Nandrolone Phenylpropionate?

These are a few reasons why you want to choose NPP:

  • Quality gains: NPP will accelerate muscle growth and build considerable strength. All you need to do is maintain a proper diet and exercise hard.
  • Quick results: You don’t wait for results; they are almost instant! That is thanks to NPP’s short half-life of 2-3 days.
  • Ideal for females and new users: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can be very well-tolerated. Women and new users alike can use it. If you have issues, stop; they will subside quickly.
  • Therapeutic effect: Not many steroids can compete with NPP in this. The steroid is perfect for your joints while lifting heavy weights.

NPP is the steroid to go for if you want quality strength and muscle gains and want to get it quickly. It’s also mild and ideal for starters and the experienced alike.


Here are major areas of concern when taking Nandrolone Phenylpropionate injections:


Virilization effects in women:

Be aware of virilization side effects. These can be avoided by keeping the doses low and the cycle length to no more than 6 weeks. However, it's best to stop the medication immediately if you experience intolerable symptoms.



Extreme doses can increase the risk of severe side effects. Follow the right dosage amounts to enjoy the benefits with no or manageable side effects.


Severe effects:

NPP can seriously affect your health, especially for beginners. If your symptoms don't get better or become worse, contact your doctor immediately.

There’s not much to worry about if you’re using NPP correctly. Pay attention to the dosage and cycle; you can enjoy most of its benefits without major issues!


How long before I see results?

NPP is a fast-acting steroid that takes almost no time to deliver noticeable results. Lean muscle gains can show in a few weeks, provided your training and diet support muscle growth.

Can this be stacked with other steroids?

Yes, NPP works well when stacked with other compounds, including Dianabol. Besides, a basic stack of NPP and Testosterone is considered almost essential. It helps mitigate the suppression of natural hormones.

Is post-cycle therapy required after using Nandrolone Phenylpropionate?

Yes, we highly recommend a PCT cycle after using NPP. The PCT will restore natural hormonal levels. It will help you avoid a state of low testosterone.

5 verified ratings
  1. John Brown, 29, Boxer.

    I just finished an 8-week cycle a few weeks ago. It was my first time running NPP. 200 mg per week felt weak, so I threw in 450 mg of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate weekly. Never have I grown so fast and gotten so strong so quickly. Also, I felt okay mentally. I loved it!

  2. Eric Liam, 32, Bodybuilder.

    I’m on week 4 of my second cycle and loving this stuff. I’m taking 300 mg of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate powder and 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate. I started from 76 kg and now weigh 81.5 (+11 lbs). The only drawbacks are excessive sweating and a little bit.

  3. Joe Erickson, 28, Bodybuilder.

    NPP is absolutely great. I got a mix of mental sides at times – more stubborn and, at times, aggressive. I was taking 250mg of NPP and 350mg of Testosterone. It was unbelievable how much quality mass I’ve put on. I will run this stuff again.

  4. Deric M. 31, Powerlifter.

    I’m almost three weeks in the Nandrolone Phenylpropionate cycle. So far, I absolutely love it. I already have added size and muscle. I feel strong and like the way I look. Zero negative sides at 375mg together with 500 mg of testosterone.

  5. Elius K. 36, Wrestler.

    I’m in the 7th week of 750mg of Nandrolone Phenypropionate powder, 500mg of Test, and 40 mg of Dianabol. I’ve been on point with my diet. The most challenging part is getting way tired whenever I eat enough. Strength gains have been slow but steady. I look fuller and haven’t had any mental or emotional issues. I’ll definitely run again!

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